Inspiring People Everywhere to Live Heart Strong
At Heart Strong, we believe it’s about having a full and thriving life, not a life shackled by painful circumstances. We know your stories mean something, and we want you to create something meaningful from them. We believe in giving from our experiences and leveraging our expertise and we lovingly invite you to do the same. We create and support projects, content, and events that inspire you to embrace your inner strength so you can grow through your challenges and give back to others. Struggle is a universal experience. We believe triumph is too. By investing in people's growth and healing, we envision positive transformations for families, communities, and the world around us.
Just For You.
Heart Strong Podcast
Created and hosted by our founder, Jessica Lindberg, The Heart Strong podcast explores inspiring perspectives and offers tangible advice on growing through the inevitable challenges you face. Jessica invites you into her story and brings you thought leaders, authors, experts, and everyday amazing people who have something to teach us all about living fully amidst our struggles.
Four Hearts Shop
Our 100% Non-Profit Shop is home to the Heart Strong Brand. We create apparel to inspire you to keep going on your journey. Wearing powerful words makes us feel just a bit braver. It also sends a message to those around us that they are strong and capable, too.
We Set a
Wide Table.
Joining The Heart Strong Community is about what you choose to do with your experiences. While each of us is on a unique journey, there are common threads that connect us. We don't compete over who has the hardest story; instead, we value the wisdom gained. We are not concerned about how you arrive. We care about how you leave.
We are not solely an organization that advocates for specific diseases or parenting techniques. We are a personal development organization committed to giving back. Our mission centers on creating a unique and nurturing space for those facing heartbreak, where they can focus on self-cultivation, find meaning in their stories, and then discover a way to impact their world for good. Our aim is not to rescue anyone but to support those determined to discover how their life challenge can facilitate personal growth through leadership.
We believe you are an empowered human. We are here to walk with you and encourage you as you move boldly through your unique story. Let’s keep going.
Take a Chance on Love.
When we lean into our stories and ask ourselves what we can do to use our experiences and the love in our hearts to make a difference in the world, amazing, life-changing things can happen.
This is the Heart Strong Story of The Wetherington Family, who took their grief and love and expanded their family through international adoption in honor of their son, Isaac.